Legacy Planning and Services
Effective estate and legacy planning involves much more than having a last will and testament.
Without a plan, your assets could end up getting tied up in the probate process. As a result, your family could be burdened with the unnecessary stress and legal fees of having to hire a probate lawyer during what will already be a difficult time.
A very basic estate plan includes having a will, a living trust, and some form of power of attorney in place for making financial and/or healthcare decisions. The cost of getting these basic elements in place is affordable, and the peace of mind they provide can be priceless.
Leaving a Legacy
Our clients have learned the secret of leveraging time in order to leave more substantial gifts to their heirs. In many cases, these gifts can transfer tax-free. As a result, our clients will carve out assets earmarked for gifting, leaving the balance to maintain their desired standard of living.